Hi. The Doom Murders by Brian O'Hare is soon to be published as a paperback by Crimson Cloak Publishing. Carly McCracken, President and owner of the company, asked me the other day to prepare a 'mystery' competition to coincide with the book's launch and to introduce prospective readers to Detective Chief Inspector Jim Sheehan. i.e, Solve the Mystery. Win a Prize.
I have now sent her a scenario that sets up the scene, provides background information, introduces the characters/suspects in the mystery, and at the end of which the murder takes place. This information will be offered to the general public via Facebook, twitter and blogs. Each day thereafter further clues will be provided though a series of interviews with each of the suspects, one interview per day for five days.
At the end of the sixth day, readers will be asked to identify the murderer, explain what clues led them to this conclusion, and write in detail how they believe the murder was carried out. Answers will be sent to a specific email address rather than posted on FaceBook for others to see. The three best answers will be published a day or so after the competition closes and the winners will each receive a copy of the newly printed book.
This exercise will take place hopefully within the next few days. Keep an eye on this blogspot, as well as on twitter and facebook, for further news.
For more information go to Inspector Sheehan's FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/inspectorsheehan
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