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About Brian O'Hare

Brian O'Hare, MA, Ph.D., is a retired assistant director of a large regional college of further and higher education. Married, three children, ten grandchildren, one great-grandchild. He plays golf three times a week off a ten handicap and does a lot of voluntary work. Any writing he has previously
done was academic...very much restricted to a very specific readership. Several articles in educational journals were followed by a number of book-length reports for the Dept. of Education and the University of Ulster. He has also written an interesting biography of a man who daily performs amazing miracles of healing...The Miracle Ship. That is currently available in Amazon's Kindle bookstore. Hopefully those who read it will spread the word and write reviews to help John's message to reach the hearts of many, many people.

Brian had a liver disease since childhood which resulted in him taking early retirement a number of years ago. In 2002 he had a liver transplant but is strong and healthy now. He continued to do academic writing well into his retirement and followed that with a memoir about his liver transplant, dealing with the physical, emotional and spiritual experiences that came from that period in his life (A Spiritual Odyssey, published by Columba Press, Dublin).

Recently he experienced a desire to write fiction. Hence Fallen Men. It is a story about three priests...but it is religious in much the same way Thornbirds was religious. He has also finished a second book. It's quite different from Fallen Men... a detective mystery inspired by an old 14th century painting of the Last Judgement. It's called Angel of Death available on Kindle (winner of three Awards including Medallist Honours Award for New Apple Awards forExcellence). A second volume in the series, Die This Hour(New Apple Solo Top Medallist Honours Award) is complete and available as is Killer of Souls. A further five books are now written. All should be available on Amazon by the middle of 2024. Their titles are:  Murder on the Dark Web, Murder of a Runaway, Conduit to Murder, The Fourth Victim and Marked for Death. You can read all about them on the BOOKS page of this blogsite.

Also now available on Kindle is the story of Brian's liver transplant and the growth in spirit he experienced as he waited for almost a year, not knowing if he was going to live or die. See: "A Spiritual Odyssey  



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. WOW what a powerful book The Miracle Ship is. Only problem now is I have loads of people I would like to distribute it to. That is how powerful it is. Will need a few prayers to be able to finance it.
    Thank you for giving us such an amazing, spiritual and wonderful book. God Bless x

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  10. Hi, Brian. I'm looking for a "Follow" button -- is there one?

  11. Hi John. No follow button. Don't have the expertise to insert one. Thanks for the thought.

  12. Hi Brian
    I red the book THE MIRCLE SHIP its all about John Gillespie i was wondering is the anyway of contacting his healing ministries

  13. Sorry about the delay in replying. Someone tried to hijack this page and I have not been visiting it. I am sorry to tell you that John died suddenly two years ago. RIP. He was a great friend and I miss him a lot.
