
Welcome to my new website/blog.  First off , I wish to say a huge thank you to the creative and gifted Colleen Sheehan for her work on this site and for giving it its professional gloss.  Anyone who would like support in starting up a new website, or have their Facebook or Twitter pages redesigned, their ebooks formatted or any one of a number of excellent services, click on this link.  You will not regret it.  write.DREAM.repeat Book Design

Tuesday, 22 March 2016


In finalising arrangements to launch The 11.05 Murders, we had some last minute glitches with the printer. Apparently the cover picture had some problems with its dimensions. These problems have been resolved and the book is now avaiLable on Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.com. Smashwords, or direct from the publishers, (Crimson Cloak Publishing).

To introduce The 11.05 Murders, the publishers have agreed an introductory offer for the kindle version of 99 cents to run for about two weeks.  Take advantage of this while the offer stands.

Even as I write this, I notice there are already two reviews posted on Amazon (both 5*s.)

Check them out here:
Two Reviews for The 11.05 Murders

I hope those of you who have already read The Doom Murders, will continue your contact with Chief Inspector Sheehan. (Perhaps you might even write a short review. These are an author's life-blood, the literary equivalent of word-of-mouth.)

Sunday, 28 February 2016


Three people are murdered on separate Tuesday evenings at precisely 11.05. Random clues point to random suspects, but too many questions remain unanswered. Why 11.05pm for each killing? Is there any connection between these deaths and a rape that occurred at Queen’s University twelve years before? What is the connection between the killings and Sergeant Stewart’s mystery informant? Who is the violent stalker who twice nearly kills Detective Allen? What is his connection, if any, to the murders? When one of his team is kidnapped, Inspector Sheehan has literally only minutes to make sense of these questions if he is to save his colleague’s life.

Brian O’Hare is an intelligent storyteller who takes his chosen genre a decent literary distance beyond your average ‘Whodunnit’. Murder investigations must be like this in real life: the discovery of layers of complications and interwoven situations which tell the reader things worth knowing about the human condition, regardless of the mysteries being unravelled. You will have your suspicions throughout, but patience and perspicacity is needed to tease through all the possible patterns and arrive at the final point where all the pieces fit. And, of course, you can confidently expect a few surprises before the end! One for the connoisseurs of this genre. Congratulations Brian O’Hare on a well-judged, carefully crafted piece of work.                                                                                                                 [Robin Chambers, Author of the Myrddin’s Heir Series]

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Fallen Men By Brian O'Hare


Some readers might have been trying to find Fallen Men, kindle version, on Amazon during the past few days. The original ebook is no longer available. I have to unpublish it because the book is about to be republished by Crimson Cloak Publishing in a new and revised format both in ebook and paperback ...probably within the next week to ten days.Above is a close-to-final version of the new cover.I am slightly concerned that the girl's face might not be sufficiently visible at first glance. If anyone would like to leave a comment about this, please do.

Additional Note

All is now sorted and the book has now been republished (re-edited and re-formatted) with the new cover. It is available on a number of digital sites, most specifically Amazon and Smashwords.



What was he Inspiration for Fallen Men?

A couple of years before I wrote Fallen Men, I was approached by a nervous and extremely agitated lady who asked me if I would write her story for her. I said I would be happy to do so. Over the next few weeks we met on five occasions, during which time she unsparingly delivered to me the most intimate details of her life.

In her forties she had been Manageress of a large office, Lady Captain of the Golf Club, very extrovert and fun-loving. She liked to party and was generally the life and soul of any occasion she attended. One morning she woke up with a sore shoulder. She lived with it, but as the days and weeks passed, the pain traveled to her neck and down into her back. In addition she began to suffer from a deadening lethargy and the onset of depression. Her personality suffered, and she began to take time off work and spend all of her time at home, afraid to go anywhere, or even to go outside.

A visit to the doctor was inevitable. He prescribed painkillers which, of course, were useless and did not get to the root of the problem. Further visits to the doctor were followed by visits to specialists, none of who could diagnose her problem.

Eventually, one of the specialists recommended a visit to medically qualified hypno-therapist. One session was enough to provide the appalling reasons for her plight. She had lived her life telling friends about her wonderful childhood and loving mother. In fact, she has repressed all memories of the truth of her childhood because from her earliest years her mother abused her most shamefully, both physically and sexually. The mother had even hired the three-year old child out to local pedophiles. The details of the abuse were shocking to me, and I was totally relieved when at the beginning of my last visit with her, she told me she had lost her nerve and didn't want to publish the story after all.

In a sense I was sorry to hear that. It would have been cathartic for her. But for me, to have had to write that book would have been torture. To be relieved of the task was a blessing. I commiserated with her, said goodbye, and never saw her again.

But one night, lying in bed, I was thinking about writing a story about an honourable young priest who falls in love with an underage choir girl and gets into all sorts of trouble. My problem was, I could not find any way to justify an 'honourable' young priest behaving like that. But that night I found the answer, and the new chapter that I began to write the next day began with the young priest wakening up with a sore shoulder.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Interview on Radio Waves


You can see from the logo above that I was a guest on the Rave Waves Radio show on Saturday, 5th December at 6.00pm. The show has now been archived. It lasts about 23 minutes and if anyone is interested in listening to the interview, it can be accessed from this twitter link:

Click on the numbers 8118793 below:

John W. Howell
Dec 05
Rave Waves BlogTalkRadio today at 12:00 CST @Vendicatori33 interviews@brianohare26 tobtr.com/s/8118793 #RRBC
View conversation


Saturday, 28 November 2015


Visit Inspector Sheehan's Weekly Notebook on his Facebook page.  Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/inspectorsheehan

Each week the Inspector offers a short account of a bizarre, brilliant, weird, or egregiously stupid crime. These reports are interesting little vignettes that take only a few minutes to read. To date the Inspector has written about the following 6 crimes:

1. The Facebook Idiot

2. The Perfect Crime

3. Bragging Criminal; Stupid police

4. Caught...by his own ego.

5. The 'Mona Lisa of Pearls' Robbery

6. Simple Ruse Nets Robber 300 Million Yen

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

NOTE: These two Crimson Shorts (as well as my other books) can be purchased at a knock down price from Smashwords until 2nd January. You will need a Crimson Cloak code. Get that at this link: http://www.crimsoncloakpublishing.com/offers-and-coupons.html

[A Crimson Short]