
Welcome to my new website/blog.  First off , I wish to say a huge thank you to the creative and gifted Colleen Sheehan for her work on this site and for giving it its professional gloss.  Anyone who would like support in starting up a new website, or have their Facebook or Twitter pages redesigned, their ebooks formatted or any one of a number of excellent services, click on this link.  You will not regret it.  write.DREAM.repeat Book Design

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Interview on Radio Waves


You can see from the logo above that I was a guest on the Rave Waves Radio show on Saturday, 5th December at 6.00pm. The show has now been archived. It lasts about 23 minutes and if anyone is interested in listening to the interview, it can be accessed from this twitter link:

Click on the numbers 8118793 below:

John W. Howell
Dec 05
Rave Waves BlogTalkRadio today at 12:00 CST @Vendicatori33 interviews@brianohare26 tobtr.com/s/8118793 #RRBC
View conversation


Saturday, 28 November 2015


Visit Inspector Sheehan's Weekly Notebook on his Facebook page.  Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/inspectorsheehan

Each week the Inspector offers a short account of a bizarre, brilliant, weird, or egregiously stupid crime. These reports are interesting little vignettes that take only a few minutes to read. To date the Inspector has written about the following 6 crimes:

1. The Facebook Idiot

2. The Perfect Crime

3. Bragging Criminal; Stupid police

4. Caught...by his own ego.

5. The 'Mona Lisa of Pearls' Robbery

6. Simple Ruse Nets Robber 300 Million Yen

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

NOTE: These two Crimson Shorts (as well as my other books) can be purchased at a knock down price from Smashwords until 2nd January. You will need a Crimson Cloak code. Get that at this link: http://www.crimsoncloakpublishing.com/offers-and-coupons.html

[A Crimson Short]

[A Crimson Short]

Friday, 6 November 2015

Another Award.

I just received an email yesterday giving me the heads-up that in the forthcoming publication of competition results of the Summer 2015 New Apple Awards for Literary Excellence, Fallen Men will receive top Medalist Honours in the General Fiction category. It also won an IDB award in 2013. and will be published by Crimson cloak in the New Year.

Couple that with another couple of awards won this year and I would have to profess myself pleased.

The Miracle Ship won first place in the Religion Non-Fiction category of the New Apple 2015 Awards for excellence in independent writing. The Doom Murders has also won the New Apple Award for mystery fiction, a Bronze medal for Mystery fiction from Readers Favourite and an IDB award a year or so ago.


Sunday, 25 October 2015


It's been a few (very busy) days since I last posted, exciting days, demanding days. Interesting things (for me) have been happening. The new cover for The Doom Murders is complete (It has been published on Inspector Sheehan's facebook page:


The new version (ebook and paperback) of The Doom Murders is also ready for publishing and should appear early next week.

And the little mystery game that I was asked to write to coincide with the launch of The Doom Murders, gave my publisher the idea to introduce a handy read for people in airports, doctor's waiting rooms, and other places where they can whip out their phone or ipad and while away time. She's calling them Crimson Shorts and my little murder game, Murder at Loftus House, is the first of them to be published. It is now available in ebook and paperback format at Amazon, Smashwords, CreateSpace, Crimson Cloak Publishing. .and other ebook outlets as well. That came as a very pleasant and surprising piece of news this morning. I did not expect that. See it here:

Murder at Loftus House: An Inspector Sheehan Mystery