
Welcome to my new website/blog.  First off , I wish to say a huge thank you to the creative and gifted Colleen Sheehan for her work on this site and for giving it its professional gloss.  Anyone who would like support in starting up a new website, or have their Facebook or Twitter pages redesigned, their ebooks formatted or any one of a number of excellent services, click on this link.  You will not regret it.  write.DREAM.repeat Book Design

Wednesday, 1 August 2018


I was supposed to be on holidays in France during July. I did spend my mornings swimming and lying in the sun. But very little of that is enough for me. Thank goodness my wife loves the beach so much. She was happy to lie there while I was able to spend every afternoon in our air-conditioned hotel working to finish Volume 4 of the Inspector Sheehan Mysteries.

And I did get it finished ... sometime around July, 17, 2018. But it needed a thorough revision and several parts rewritten. It is now 1st August. I have spent hour upon hour of those intervening days in my study, revising and rewriting. Now the final draft is complete. The new book, The Dark Web Murders, is now off to the publisher. They already have other books they need to work with, so mine is in a queue. Hopefully it will be assigned to an editor soon, and to an artist to prepare a cover. I anticipate, maybe a bit optimistically, that the book will appear (at least in e-format) early in 2019.

So what is this latest Sheehan mystery about? Well, I suppose it is a bit strange. Here is a preliminary version of the blurb that will appear on the back cover of the book's jacket.

I am Nemein. I am not a murderer. I am emotionally detached from my killings. I am, therefore, an instrument of Nemesis, a punisher. This is a theme running through a number of blogs on the Dark Web, written by a serial killer. He is highly intelligent and employs philosophical argument to justify a series of gruesome murders. However, he describes the killings in lurid detail, and with such gloating relish, that he utterly negates his delusion of detachment and reveals himself to be a cold-blooded, narcissistic psychopath.

Sheehan and his team rush headlong down a series of blind alleys in the pursuit of the psychopath, who continues to murder his victims with impunity. He is fiendishly clever, utterly ruthless, and tests Sheehan's famed intuition to the limit. Indeed, Sheehan only learns the truth during a horrific climax when some members of his team experience a most harrowing ‘laceration of the soul’ that they will never be able to forget. It is unlikely that the reader will either.