
Welcome to my new website/blog.  First off , I wish to say a huge thank you to the creative and gifted Colleen Sheehan for her work on this site and for giving it its professional gloss.  Anyone who would like support in starting up a new website, or have their Facebook or Twitter pages redesigned, their ebooks formatted or any one of a number of excellent services, click on this link.  You will not regret it.  write.DREAM.repeat Book Design

Thursday, 19 October 2017


Any writer who happens upon this website will almost certainly have sought reviews for his or her books. I would be prepared to bet that many of you still do.  I came across three links that might interest you.

Request a Review:

Get reviews for your book

10 places to find reviews

There are no guarantees of positive reviews but if you have faith in your product, you won't let that stop you.

Good luck in finding those reviews.