
Welcome to my new website/blog.  First off , I wish to say a huge thank you to the creative and gifted Colleen Sheehan for her work on this site and for giving it its professional gloss.  Anyone who would like support in starting up a new website, or have their Facebook or Twitter pages redesigned, their ebooks formatted or any one of a number of excellent services, click on this link.  You will not regret it.  write.DREAM.repeat Book Design

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


I am pleased to record that today I received an email from the New Apple Literary Awards Service that The 11.05 Murders was chosen as the solo "Medalist Winner" in the Mystery category of the New Apple 2016 Summer eBook Awards!

The solo selection is somewhat odd, and I do not have an explanation for it. Others of my books have won similar New Apple Awards and there have always been first, second and third places.

Anyway! Throughout the coming months, New Apple will roll out the prizes associated with the awards, including press releases, tweet blasting, banner advertising, awards certificate, and digital medallions to place on the book's various covers. I look forward to that.

Saturday, 13 August 2016


         I came across this little epigram this morning, written by Dorothy Parker in 1937.

"If, with the literate, I am 
 Impelled to try an epigram, 
 I never seek to take the credit, 
 We all assume that Oscar said it."

        Reading this reminds of a story I once heard about a second-rate writer, well noted for his propensity for plagiarism. He was at a party where Oscar Wilde was holding the guests spellbound with his rhetoric and wit.
       At one point Oscar said something that had everyone laughing and clapping.
       The plagiarist said, "Wonderful, Oscar, I wish I'd said that."
       Wilde replied, "Don't worry, you will."