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Wednesday 4 September 2024

Latest Review: MURDER OF A RUNAWAY by Brian O'Hare

Post by Osazuwa Emmanuel » 4 Sept 2024,
5 out of 5 stars

MURDER OF A RUNAWAY by Brian O’Hare is an inspirational crime novel that discusses the strength, weakness, cooperation, and resolve of human beings in general. Called in to work on what would be a series of bloody murders connected to the activities of a people-trafficking ring is Chief Inspector Jim Sheehan and his Serious Crimes Unit.

The story oscillates between the police investigation and the victims' stories, giving prominence to the young Romanian woman Alina Balauru, who becomes ensnared in a story of exploitation. Spiked with moments of hope and featuring so many plot turns, the whole thing is built up to the climactic ending that proves the heroes' mettle.

One of the most praiseworthy elements in this book would be underpinning the human spirit. Sergeant Denise Stewart stands out as a cheerful character in that case, as her feelings for the case were spiced with empathy and grit. So far, the book really rocks in world-building: it shows a vivid representation of the problem of human trafficking in Northern Ireland. The book was exceptionally well -edited and error-free.

Nothing is left to be disliked in this book. Fact and fiction coming together has been one of the most exciting combinations. The detailed description of police procedures and the minute research add the thrill of uncovering in a suspenseful way the secrets buried in the criminal underworld. This book will be an entertaining and informative piece in its own right by virtue of combining crime and mystery. This therefore guarantees interesting reading from cover to cover.

I gave this book a rating of 5 out of 5 stars because it is a praiseworthy read depicting the human spirit with the likeable character of Sergeant Denise Stewart. The world-building is great and gives a very realistic and engaging regard to the issue of human trafficking in Northern Ireland. The plot is tight, well thought out, and realistic in the treatment of victim experiences, making this book compelling.
This book is such an interesting concoction of fact and fiction with such delicate detailing of police procedures that, when coupled with a keen eye for minor details, makes it an enjoyable and informative read. I would strongly recommend this book to anybody who holds an interest in crime thrillers, social justice, or stories of personal resilience and courage.

Tuesday 14 May 2024



Traditional Publishing or Self-publishing?


Not long ago, any writer offered a deal by a traditional publishing house would have jumped at it. And, indeed, why not? The publisher takes care of all expenses – cover, proof-reading, editing, formatting, printing, marketing and distribution. Print copies of the book would appear in book stores all over the country, maybe all over the world.  A writer’s dream. That dream may be pricked somewhat, however, when he discovers that his royalties can be barely 10%, sometimes even less. He will maybe earn around 80 pence for an average full-length paperback. Lots of sales will be needed if he is going to make a good living writing. 

The other option is to self-publish. (I am not going to talk about the many Vanity Presses that seek to con the unwary.  That is a topic for another time.) To have a chance of even moderate success, the self-publishing writer has to ensure his book is of a decent literary quality, has an eye-catching cover (at least £300), a good editor (over £1000 for a 90,000 word novel), plus formatting and printing costs (several hundred pounds.) A daunting, not to say discouraging, set of prerequisites.

The opening sentence of this article would seem to imply that the modern writer might very well NOT jump at a traditional publishing opportunity. Looking at the costs for self-publishing, rejecting a traditional offer would seem close to folly. And yet, from my own experience, I can claim there are clear reasons why the modern writer now has to consider several pros and cons before making a choice.

I bring up the traditional versus self-publishing issue at this time because it is pertinent to some decisions I have recently had to make. I actually did have three different traditional publishers but now I self-publish via KDP Select on Amazon.  (What was that about ‘close to folly'?)

 People in the business talk about the big five publishers. A deal with one of those is like winning the pools. Getting your book accepted by publishers and their offshoots in this group is worse than hundred to one odds, even if your book is excellent. So, for the vast majority of very good writers, such an opportunity is really not an option.

There are, of course, the less well-known, less wealthy, publishing houses. They do have many distribution outlets, so paperbacks of your book in stores (with some accompanying fame) is a very real eventuality.  However, almost all traditional publishers operate similar time scales. The average writer has to wait about three months, maybe even six, just to have his book read and accepted by the traditional publisher. When the decision to publish is made, the book has to fit into an existing timetable and wait for other work to be completed,.  The writer will be very lucky to see the printed version within a year after the decision to publish. Maybe even two. That is far from unusual.  

This is a long wait. A year or so ago, I left a publisher (for marketing reasons) and went to another who claimed to be a marketing expert. As a matter of fact, he was, and I was delighted with his deal. My ten page contract obligated me to provide the publisher with two new books a year for five years. I had no problem with that and after fourteen months I had three new 100,000 novels. He was still working with the other five I had given him, so he asked to keep the new ones in abeyance for the opportune time.  I agreed, somewhat reluctantly.

However, for reasons unexpected and unrelated to publishing, this publisher had to cancel the contract and I am now left with several books to republish. Should I start the search for a new publisher? I am a retired professional man, so I am not young. I have two non-fiction books, a contemporary novel, and a mysteries series currently totalling eight books. If I were to find another publisher and was to write no more books, I would have to wait close to fifteen years  before all of my existing books were republished  And during all that time I would sitting around twiddling my thumbs, wondering what was happening, waiting, hoping even for the rare email (which actually never comes), with absolutely no control of even the slightest aspect of the process. Who wants that?

The top publishers have resources, connections with the media, national newspapers, magazines, journalists, and all sorts of established ways of marketing your book once it finally appears.  But the lower levels of publishers not so much.  Many of them expect the writer to take on some of the financial responsibility for marketing their book. This can, and has, proved in many cases to have disappointing results. And if the book doesn’t grab public interest and make its own snowball growth, publishers can lose interest and the book disappears into obscurity. Marketing requires significant expertise nowadays, an expertise beyond the reach of many ordinary writers. But there are those who can sell thousands of copies of even mediocre books. These are the people modern writers need to ally with. (But finding the genuine ones in a snake pit filled with pretenders and fraudsters is not easy. Another topic for another time.)

Is the  self-publishing publishing picture any brighter? How do I go about it? There are many options. One answer is Amazon. And many people aren’t shy of availing of the opportunity. Amazon makes the entire process remarkably easy. If a book is ready for publication, it can be uploaded on the Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing site and appear, with its own Amazon page, both in UK and the US  and, indeed, Amazon pages all over the world, in about two to three days. (Rather a more attractive option than eighteen months!)

Self-publishing offers many other advantages. Acceptance is guaranteed. Royalties are very high, usually 70%.  The author has complete control over his book, its content, its pricing, the publishing timetable. Furthermore, with Amazon KDP, he has continued access to the already-published book at any time and as often as he wishes, should he want to make changes and improvements

Currently Amazon offers around fourteen million books to their readers. And your book is buried somewhere in the middle of that! How on earth are readers going to find it? And how many of them will buy and read it?  Marketing is the answer but almost all writers see this as a huge, time-consuming chore. Worse. In the past few years marketing books has become a very complex science. Unless an author has a solid grasp of the essentials, his marketing efforts will fail. But there are many gurus out there offering marketing courses. Some are very good and that is a way to go. Even the basics of such courses, however, are extremely complicated, especially for an old guy like me. Nonetheless, if your writing is of an acceptable standard, there is an alternative way. You can employ a marketing expert to work for you and with you. A really good one will help you sell thousands of your self-published books, more than enough to cover all expenses and, with any luck, enough to allow you to make writing your career.  

I don’t have the years left to work with a traditional publisher. That is why, as I stated earlier, I decided to self-publish. And marketing? I have found a lovely lady who is a genuine expert and a joy to work with. She has been advising me for the past three months, ‘optimising’ my books and preparing the groundwork for a marketing plan. No attempt has yet been made to sell any of my books (that is about to start!) but as I write these words, I have eleven fantastic new covers, all of my books are professionally edited and formatted, and all are now published on Amazon (some currently available only as pre-orders). On my desk is a detailed five-page promotions schedule for 2024 and, believe me, I need no special foresight to predict that the next few months will see my book sales rise to levels beyond anything I have ever experienced. 

Wednesday 21 February 2024


Book 7 (The Fourth Victim) and 8 (Marked for Death) of the Inspector Sheehan Mysteries series are now ready for publication. My cover artist, Juan Padron, has again produced two fabulous covers. 

Blurb for The Fourth Victim

A child buried alive. 

Three lawyers are battered to death. 

A judge is murdered in his own home.

DCI Sheehan and his Serious Crimes Unit investigate the murders of three solicitors.  Revelations about the victim’s shady dealings offer Sheehan and his Serious Crimes Unit a large number of solid suspects.

Yet one suspect stands out above the others. Having suffered abominably at the hands of all three solicitors, it appears that a grieving mother has a powerful motive to kill all of them. Evidence piles up against her during the investigation and for many on the team there is no need to look further for the killer.  

But DCI Sheehan isn’t so sure. When a fourth victim is murdered, he is forced to look at the entire investigation with fresh eyes. Is the evidence against the key suspect as solid as it appears? Is some dark personage in the background pulling strings and manipulating events?

When Sheehan starts to look for the puppeteer, events escalate to an explosive climax.

Blurb for Book 8:  Marked for Death

A Knight of the Realm is murdered. High-level VIPs will attend the funeral. One of them is marked for death. 

Sir Theodore Hayes was a hard and unpopular businessman. There is no shortage of suspects for his murder. What Sheehan and his Serious Crimes Unit don’t know, however, is that the New IRA had a hand in Sir Theodore’s killing.

And that is only the first move in a terrorist plan that is set to ‘rock the British Isles.’

A three-time loser offers Sheehan information that the IRA is planning something huge on the day of Sir Theodore’s funeral. Distracted by two further, seemingly unconnected murders, having no clue about the nature of the threat or its location, Sheehan and his team spend frantic days vainly trying to uncover the plot.

On the morning of the funeral, and with the hours racing by, Sheehan’s brain is in turmoil. He still has no idea about what the New IRA has planned.

Can he glean enough from the myriad small clues rattling through his head in time to stop the terrorists?


Sunday 28 January 2024


I have come across a brilliant cover artist from Venezuela named Juan Padron.  His work is extraordinary and he can produce covers in just hours instead of days. He is not cheap but his work is worth every penny.

Below are three new covers ... two for books already published, and Conduit to Murder, to be published in a couple of months.

Wednesday 15 November 2023


After almost a year and a half languishing  in a publisher's office, books 4 and 5 of The Inspector Sheehan Mysteries series are now available on Amazon with new titles and new covers.

Book 5: Murder of a Runaway

Cross The Shadow; become a Shade.

Lin Hui and Cheung Mingzhu from Shenzhen in China, win scholarships to study at Queen’s University in Belfast. Alina Balauru departs a poor farm in Romania for well paid work in Northern Ireland. Three lives harbouring long-cherished dreams. Three lives headed for tragedy.

Sheehan and his Serious Crimes Unit discover the body of one of the young  women in the garden of an upmarket residence. Confronted with violent Chinese racketeers, brutal human-traffickers and a fiendishly clever killer called The Shadow, they are baffled by a case that seems to lead in two entirely different directions. Can they find out who The Shadow is in time to save the other two victims?

The full five stars. This was truly one of the best books I've ever read. [Michelle Newman. Amazon (United States) Reviewer.]

An elaborate adrenaline maze to trap the reader. One of the best thrillers I have read in recent times.
[Vadana Garg, Online Book Club.]

Thought-provoking, emotional and gut-wrenching. An exceptional crime-thriller and a must-read for any thriller lover. [Eric Praschan, Author of Blind Evil and The Burden of Silence]

Murder of a Runaway is a perfect thriller, written by an amazing story-teller
. [Sushma Chowdary, Amazon (India) Reviewer.]

Brian O’Hare sheds a light on a grim reality with this perfectly executed thriller. The novel has unforgettable characters, heart-pounding pacing, and an unpredictable plot while keeping a balance between sensitivity and reality. [Lunastella, Online Book Club]





 Book 4: Murder on the Dark Web

 I am Nemein. I am not a murderer. I am emotionally detached from my killings. I am, therefore, an instrument of Nemesis, a punisher.

 This is a theme running through a number of blogs on the Dark Web, written by a serial killer. He is highly intelligent and employs philosophical argument to justify a series of gruesome murders. However, he describes the killings with such gloating relish that he  reveals himself to be a coldblooded, narcissistic psychopath.

Sheehan and his team rush headlong down a series of blind alleys in the pursuit of the psychopath. He is fiendishly clever, utterly ruthless, and tests Sheehan’s famed intuition to the limit. Indeed, Sheehan only learns the truth during a horrific climax when some members of his team experience a most harrowing ‘laceration of the soul’ that they will never be able to forget. It is unlikely that the reader will either.

 Murder on the Dark Web has received the Top Medal Honours Award from the New Apple Awards for Excellence.

“O’Hare has developed his characters very successfully as they have tackled their various cases. I, for one, am eagerly awaiting their next challenge in what is a crime series which undoubtedly deserves a much wider audience.” A.P. Martin, Author of Codename Lazarus and Spytrap.

“I’m not surprised by the accolades and the praise bestowed on this novel. There are weird murders, a clever and truly twisted murderer, bizarre clues and possible motives, plenty of red herrings, twists and turns galore and a fascinating background to the story. Another gripping book by Brian O’Hare. I am eagerly awaiting the next one.” Olga Núñez Miret, Writer. Ph.D. (American Literature). MSc (Criminology)